You Need These Everyday

You Need These Everyday

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Riddles to Amuse You and Your Friends

                                                      Try to solve these Riddles
            1.What do you call a witch that lives in a beach?
             2.Why do skeletons play the piano at church?

             3.Why couldn't the skeleton go to the dance?

             4.What has eyes that cannot see,a tongue that cannot taste and a soul that cannot die?

             5.What kind of dress can never be worn?

             6.What sort of ring is always square?

             7.What flies all day but never goes anywhere?

             8.What starts with 'P' end with an 'E' and has a million letters in it?

             9.What illness do martial artists get?

            10.Why are  the basketball players so cool?