A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols (the “Carol
Service” as fondly called by Trinitians) is the most looked-forward ’Trinity Event’
at the close of every year, by many who never miss it. Held at the Trinity
College Chapel at dusk in early December, it is an experience-to-remember-forever that warms the cockles of the hearts of those who come. For some, their
Christmas celebration begins with the Carol Service at Trinity, for which they
await with expectation. The Chapel itself, being an iconic and unparalleled
work of art, is charged with atmosphere as people flock to be enthralled by the
music and spirit of the event. The ambiance of simple decor, with lamps and
flowers has become characteristic of this magical evening. The Carol Service
has been held at the Chapel since the Chapel was built in 1935, and continues
with the rich choral tradition of the Trinity College Choir, which is as old as
the school itself. Usually, people start arriving at the Chapel as early as
4.30 p.m, for the service that starts sharp at 6.30 p.m. The Service is always started,
in a breathtakingly beautiful moment by a treble soloist, in the Chapel lit only
by candlelight. A tasteful selection of music, in different languages including
Sinhala and Tamil, ranging from the Masters to the modern composers is promised
by the Trinity College Choir. Many are inevitably moved to tears by the angelic
voices, particularly of the boy trebles: some who are as young as 9 years. Even
for non-Christians, this celebrated service of music and readings, as many have
expressed, has always been an uplifting spiritual experience. A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols is a fine
and fitting way to offer thankful praise to God for a year of mercies and grace
upon Trinity.